Healthy by Association (HBA) is a space for association and hospitality #GoalGetters to set goals, share workout accomplishments, exchange healthy recipes and, above all, stay motivated. Join the movement by clicking the Facebook icon below!
Over the last six months, countless organizations have had to pivot their education strategy from in-person to digital or hybrid experiences as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. This trend is likely to continue well into the future. The most successful organizations have convened a leadership team comprising key staff and volunteers to rethink their strategy and scenario plan in alignment with organization mission. By now, you've likely experimented with one or more of these offerings — realizing some successes and some shortcomings.
So take this opportunity to intentionally pause and conduct an honest wellness check on the virtual and hybrid meetings and events comprising your current education portfolio. Whether at the board, staff or committee level, or some combination of the three, following are the six strategy questions the Event Garde team thinks you should be asking right now. In the event you need help with answering one or more of these questions, don't hesitate to contact us for a free consultation.