Strengthening Customer Relationships During the COVID-19 Crisis

1 hour 2 minutes

Face-to-face interaction with your customers or clients has been the golden standard for conducting business and closing sales for decades. But as we work from home—and an uncertainty surrounding when it will be safe and advisable to meet again in-person—you may be feeling a bit disconnected from your audience. And, likely, the feeling is mutual. You’ve spent years cultivating meaningful relationships with your audience, and are likely worried the implications of COVID-19 will compromise their loyalty and connection with you and your brand.

Face-to-face interaction with your customers or clients has been the golden standard for conducting business and closing sales for decades. But as we work from home—and an uncertainty surrounding when it will be safe and advisable to meet again in-person—you may be feeling a bit disconnected from your audience. And, likely, the feeling is mutual. You’ve spent years cultivating meaningful relationships with your audience, and are likely worried the implications of COVID-19 will compromise their loyalty and connection with you and your brand. During this webinar we explored what strategies should you consider for direct contact with current customers?, how might you indirectly reinforce brand loyalty and connection?, and beyond retention, how should I approach new potential leads? Your hosts Aaron Wolowiec, CEO of Event Garde, and Rob McCarty, CEO of The Image Shoppe, discuss how you can continue to foster (and even strengthen) your customer/client relationships, as well as how you might begin to form new connections.


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