Healthy by Association (HBA) is a space for association and hospitality #GoalGetters to set goals, share workout accomplishments, exchange healthy recipes and, above all, stay motivated. Join the movement by clicking the Facebook icon below!
Our Gardian of the Month is Steven Stout, Executive Director for the Texas Society of Association Executives.
Hacking For Good – I once booked a “white hat” hacker to speak at an event once and hearing their discussions on “hacking” for good I found totally fascinating. It completely inspired me to want to save the world from the comfort of an office desk chair.
I really enjoy listening to people. I try my best not to dominate a conversation knowing networking is a two-way street. I have gained some really great insight just by shutting-up and listening. It is amazing what people will share when they feel very comfortable AND that you are actually listening to them.
I love research I always have so anything I can get my hands on that has to do with trends or innovations in our space. I will take the time to read I probably subscribe to more industry magazines than I should but I enjoy the varying perspectives on things plus I feel more aware of what is going on in our space the more I read
There was a fantastic book that came out in 2018 by Sheri Jacobs, FASAE, CAE called Pivot Point. Despite coming out in 2018 and reading it that year I came across the book again in 2020 during lockdown and in rereading it was shocked how applicable it was during that time. I think so many of us are used to being able to identify a solution to a problem or at the very least have an idea of how to approach a problem but last year definitely helped me understand the power of saying “I don’t know but I’ll figure it out” or being open to changing something that I wouldn’t have dreamed of adjusting in the past.
Travel Show Host – getting to travel the world on someone else’s dime is incredible! Getting to experience food and cultures almost every day as part of your paid employment sounds like a DREAM! I have always loved to travel ever since I was little and have done a fair share but I watch those travel shows and think “what a life!”.