Our Gardian of the Month is Shelby Pasch, Harm Reduction and Viral Hepatitis Prevention Unit Manager with the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
EG: What tips do you have for someone having difficulty during the learning process?
SP: Ask for help! Be brave and know that no question is a dumb question. Being new in my current position, I am now a small fish in a rather large pond so there are a lot of unknowns. From my experience, I have found that it is best to own your newness by not being afraid to play your “new card” and ask for clarity. I also encourage new learners to find a mentor! Someone who has been at the agency for a long time and specifically in your field. Being new can be intimidating so it is not always a comfortable environment to learn in, that is where having a mentor can be helpful. They are available to chat on the side about the questions you have and provide resources that you may not yet know about.
EG: What volunteer opportunities have you found most successful in expanding your network?
SP: Direct service delivery through community outreach. We oversee 35 Harm Reduction Agencies across the state of Michigan. Being able to go into their community to see the challenges that they face firsthand helps us to paint the narrative to decision-makers. Having outreach opportunities made available by our partners has also allowed our staff who have never worked in a program the opportunity to experience firsthand the work that we are funding. This has been especially important for our epidemiologists who can have a deeper understanding that the data points in which they are collecting are actual human beings. This has made for more passion within our unit at the state and improves connection with our partners.
EG: How do you keep track of best practices and industry trends?
SP: We are constantly evaluating the work that we do to ensure that our support is data-driven and equitable. We meet monthly, bi-monthly, and quarterly with our partners individually and this past year we implemented in-person site visits to improve our service delivery and show our support.
EG: If you could have any superpower, but it had to be completely mundane, like being able to perfectly fold laundry with your mind, what would it be?
SP: Be flexible without having to stretch. Outside of work and being a mom, running is my hobby. Recently I earned my Ultramarathon title, whoop! With that comes a lot of running which I love but that also makes me very tight, and I don’t like to stretch.
EG: What is a resource that has been valuable to you in your work, and what makes you appreciate it?
Click the video below to see Shelby's response!