Our Gardian of the Month is Michelle Porter from CGi, LLC & American Case Management Association.
I’d love to say I have a well thought-out plan and stay on track, as I advise my certification candidates to do, but I tend to procrastinate. Not necessarily cramming the night before, but I definitely don’t start as early as I should.
As an introvert, I prefer social media for day-to-day networking, but I do like the random conversations that you strike up in-person. I’ve learned a ton (and made some lifelong friends!) through those small encounters.
My specialty within association work for the last 16 years has been personnel certification, and I love to share what has worked well for me, and what I’ve learned big-time from. We need a new generation in the certification (and association!) world, so I’m always happy to share any small tips I can to get people interested in the field.
Google! I normally have 20-30 tabs of Firefox open at any given time, and most are Google searches. I’m always looking for guidance from those who have done what I do – and are much better at it than I am.
Hot cider – either spiked or not!