The Gardian of the Month is Krista Rowe, Health Equity Consultant for Center for Health Equity Practice.
A: It depends on the content. If it requires being focused, is new to me or is particularly challenging, I prefer quiet.There's nothing quite like my favorite corner of my favorite library with a good cup of coffee. But having noise and people around helps if I’m being creative or designing content.
Q: Network: Some people are wallflowers while others are natural networkers. Which are you (or are you in the middle)?
A: I get a lot of energy from most social/networking settings. Although, the older I get the more I appreciate moments of solitude.
Q: Transfer: What resources/tools do you find most helpful in helping you retain knowledge?
A: Writing things down. Whether it’s taking notes during meetings, doodling while others are speaking (particularly about dense content) or remembering my to-do list, writing things down is key for me.
Q: Please share with us a tool/resource/book/blog/article/website etc., and why you just can’t live without it.
A: Good medicine by Pema Chödrön is an audio recording of a workshop on Tonglen meditation. Tonglen is described as “sending and taking,” an ancient Buddhist practice to awaken compassion. With each in-breath, we take in others’ pain. With each out-breath, we send them relief. It is definitely the book/resource I return to most often.
Q: Just for Fun: What is your all time favorite movie? Why?
A: This is a tough one! I’m not sure I could even claim an all-time favorite by genre. I watch a lot of movies. That said, I watch Sound of Music every year.