Healthy by Association (HBA) is a space for association and hospitality #GoalGetters to set goals, share workout accomplishments, exchange healthy recipes and, above all, stay motivated. Join the movement by clicking the Facebook icon below!
Our Gardian of the Month is Ahliba Toffa, Sales & Administrative Specialist for Event Garde.
My favorite thing about learning something new is the “full circle’ moment, when I can pass/share that new skill with someone else.
When chatting at networking events. Try to use the person’s name at least 3 times during your interaction, to help remember their name.
Notes! Notes! Notes! Old fashioned note taking is my go to.
My planner! Ever since I was given an agenda book in the 5th grade. I can’t live without a daily planner of some sort. Especially now that I care for my mother fulltime. It helps me manage our day to day lives.
I used to play clarinet and piano.