Our Gardian of the Month is Kim Harwood, President of Results at Hand Software LLC!
Learn: What's your favorite part about learning something new?
My favorite part about learning something new is the AHA moment when I realize that what I have just learned can be applied to multiple and unexpected situations or problems. It doesn’t always happen but when it does - Game Changer!
Network: What's your go-to networking trick?
Be prepared! I don’t have a great memory for names so prior to events I like to review the attendance list. Then at the event I am ready for networking with colleagues who are new and known.
Transfer: What resources/tools do you find most helpful in helping you retain knowledge?
Really any tool that allows me to document findings/notes and share with others is helpful. Whether it's on my iPhone's notes app, Microsoft Teams, or Dropbox Paper, to effectively retain information, I have to take notes. I especially like to share or summarize the new finds to others on my team. This allows me to take the time to fully understand the topic, especially when a team member comes back with questions. We are investigating a knowledge base from our CRM provider to utilize for not only our customers but internally as well. Many of our team members spend most of the day in our CRM, so I think this will be a really great location to quickly find, update and share knowledge across the team.
Resource: Please share with us a resource you love and why you can’t live without it.
I don't necessarily have a single favorite, but I make it a point to stay informed about the latest developments in the world of associations. Reading the ASAE forum and articles is invaluable for staying current.
Just for Fun: Do you have any holiday or winter traditions that you are looking forward to? If so, what is it?
Every year we go to the Detroit Zoo’s Wild Lights display with family and friends. Even though my children are in college now, it is a still a favorite way to kick off the holiday season.