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Participating as learners during a popular industry conference nearly two years ago, Tracy King and I listened as a speaker shared with us the principles of learner engagement – what it is, why do it and how to teach it. The problem? We didn’t agree with her understanding of the word, both in theory and in practice.
So, leave it to us to do something about it. As a result of that experience, we launched an industry survey, hosted interviews with well-regarded thought leaders and conducted our own learning research. All of that data was then analyzed and formatted into this free Engaging Learners eBook.
We hope you’ll find value in downloading and sharing this resource with your colleagues, education committee members, subject matter experts, speakers and other learning stakeholders in your organization.
Contained in this eBook you’ll find a number of important tools and discussions:
So whether you’re ready to initiate this conversation prior to, during or after the holiday season, please accept this newly launched eBook as our holiday gift to you. Born out of our own frustrations, we hope this comprehensive, but approachable resource will help you and your speakers better engage learners in 2018.