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Gardian of the Month: Luke Whalin

Jul, 15 2022

Our Gardian of the Month is Luke Whalin, Co-Founder, HopSkip Inc.

Learn: What's your favorite part about learning something new?

I love the challenge of understanding how something new works, the reasons behind it, and how to use that new learning to grow myself both professionally and personally.

Network: What's your go-to networking trick or tip?

My tip is to throw yourself into the fire! Don’t go to a networking event and just hang out with the same familiar faces but rather use it as a time to introduce yourself to people you wouldn’t normally have the opportunity to. Everyone is in the same boat as you so don’t feel uncomfortable going up to someone and just introducing yourself on the spot!

Transfer: What resources/tools do you find most helpful in helping you retain knowledge?

I like to use Teams, Notion, a CRM, and honestly just the old fashioned journal to keep track of all my daily, weekly, monthly, etc goals and accomplishments.

Please share with us a resource or tool and why you can’t live without it.

I cannot live without my journal. I start every work day off by writing down the tasks I need to finish today, how I will accomplish the, and any notes. No better feeling than looking at the list and realizing how many things you tackled that day!

Just for Fun: If you could live your life as an animal, what would you be and why?

I would be a lemur! I just love how diverse each one of them are, watching them be so curious, and they always seem to be on the move.

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