Healthy By Association

Healthy by Association (HBA) is a progressive health and wellness movement for busy professionals to connect around shared goals. Our #GoalGetters collectively overcome obstacles, prioritize and practice self-care, and support and inspire one another whether on the road, working from home, or commuting to an office.


In 2017, Event Garde Founder and President Aaron Wolowiec established the Healthy by Association (HBA) Facebook community for people in the stress-riddled association and hospitality industries to connect around a shared lifestyle, to commiserate over the frustrating obstacles it presents when trying to embrace self-care, and to ultimately inspire each other to not only set the bar high and invest in their health, but to actually enjoy the journey along the way.


Following are the original five tenets that serve as the foundation of this community:

  • Everyone’s definition of health and wellness is different. One size does not fit all. Whether focused on food and caloric intake, workouts and pounds lifted, or something different altogether, we just can’t compare ourselves with others. We each have unique aspirations and limitations.
  • A support network is key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. On the days you’d rather stay in bed than hit the pavement or make the trek to the gym, it’s incredibly motivating to have the support and encouragement of others who can empathize with you.
  • You can’t show up for others if you don’t first show up for yourself. It’s the reason your flight attendant urges you to put your Oxygen mask on before assisting others. Put another way, you can’t successfully help your members or learners if you’re not well rested, well fed and hydrated, and in good health.
  • It’s both okay and encouraged to brag about your accomplishments. First, you should take credit for setting and achieving your goals – that’s an accomplishment unto itself. But, more importantly, others will find your achievements incredibly energizing for their own journeys.
  • Finally, this journey may not be easy, but it is worth it. It’s true that nothing worth having comes easy. And that’s okay because we’re stronger than we give ourselves credit for. It takes determination, commitment, and intention to become and remain healthy. Hence our HBA tagline: Powered by intention.

Goal Getters

Our dynamic HBA group is more than 600 Goal Getters strong and continues to grow as momentum builds around this mighty movement. It provides an interactive online space for busy professionals to bond, learn about fitness, exchange advice, set goals and celebrate accomplishments, swap nutritious recipes, and, above all, stay motivated.

People generally find they are more successful when they aren’t alone in their commitment to better mental and physical health. It helps our HBA members to feel surrounded by others who truly get what it takes to stay on track with personal goals and juggle an “on-the-go” career.

The niche peer support we offer is what sets HBA apart from other wellness networks out there. Whether it be a need for time-tested techniques that keep you energized during the busy conference season or the desire to recognize more friendly faces at meetings and events who are eager to workout alongside you while on the road, HBA has you covered.


Over the years, we’ve done it all. Following is a sample of our services — both past and present:

  • Regular Facebook community posts from HBA moderators and #GoalGetters with tips, tricks, resources, and motivation 
  • Recipe swaps and curation
  • Workout playlists curated by members and moderators
  • Healthy by Association podcast (available wherever you listen to podcasts)
  • HBA Live! video series featuring guest speakers and links to additional learning materials
  • Space to network, offer peer support, and coordinate conference meet-ups
  • Member contests and workout challenges
  • Member accountability program
  • Challenge coin recognition program
  • HBA-branded fitness apparel (including our infamous socks!)


So what can you do in your own organization to infuse a more intentional approach to health and wellness?

  • Start putting yourself first. Self-care might include a monthly massage or facial, some quiet time a couple of nights each week to read or craft, or one minute each day for intentional self-reflection. Don’t overthink it. Simply determine what might bring more balance to your life and get it on the calendar.
  • Introduce changes around the office. The opportunities are endless. Consider replacing donuts on Friday mornings with yogurt, granola and fresh fruit. Take the stairs whenever available. Walk at lunch with a buddy. Or even set your chair aside and convert your workstation to a stand-up desk.
  • Introduce changes for your attendees and teammates. Plan healthier snack and meal options. Provide water infusion stations to promote better hydration. Incorporate more white space for self-care, stretching and reflection. And offer group workout options such as yoga, swimming and running.

Stay Connected

We hope you will stay connected with the latest Healthy by Association happenings through one or more of the following: