One of the most popular features of Reddit is “Ask Me Anything.” In the series, Reddit users can ask an interesting person literally anything.
Recognizing its popularly, the Digital Analytics Association started Ask DAA Anything, during which Executive Director Marilee Yorchak and usually one additional staff person are on the call.
During the calls people can ask the staff anything – from membership questions to resources.
In its first session, topics included new programs, certifications and email communication.
“It’s an opportunity to proactively answer questions,” says Catherine Hackney, DAA’s community manager. “The questions are related to membership and member benefits, and it’s kind of like open office hours. Anyone, members or nonmembers, can join the call and ask whatever they like.”
These days, customers are often frustrated by automated answering systems and “contact us” forms on websites. So, Ask DAA Anything provides personalized access to leadership and on-the-spot information.
It also adds a level of transparency, Hackney says.
After each call, DAA publishes a blog post for those who weren’t able to participate in the session or to provide follow-up answers.
Since Ask DAA Anything is open to non-members, the sessions provide an opportunity to recruit members.
Editor’s Note: I’m looking for more Bright Ideas to feature. If you’d like to be considered, please email me at [email protected].