On the tenth day of holiday baking Event Garde team member Kate Pojeta shares with us her family’s traditional Christmas breakfast recipe.
“Christmas morning YES PLEASE... These were only ever made Christmas morning growing up. As I grew up, I learned these were basically crepes but here’s our family recipe for what we called Polytsincas,” Kate Pojeta.
Once all ingredients are well blended in a mixer or blender, spray a low-heated pan with non-stick spray. Pour enough batter that it is just shy of filling the entire round pan, then swirl the pan a bit to thin out the batter and completely cover the bottom of the pan. As it cooks up, you’ll be able to flip it so the other side cooks. Second side needs even less time. After it's done, serve up on a plate and fill with fruit and cool whip. We serve ours with blueberries and strawberries (frozen, then thawed), sliced fresh bananas, and cool whip.
Kate shares, “We’ve experimented with Nutella, cooked apples and cinnamon, and other creative fillings but always default to the berries and bananas!”
Recipe makes enough for approximately 2-4 people.